KDE Connect Sprint 2019 in Nuremberg
In case you don’t know yet, KDE sponsors developer gatherings around the world, “sprints”, to hack for a few days on a specific topic. This summer, for the second time ever, we organized one for KDE Connect!
The hack room
This time, the people from SUSE hosted us at their offices in the beautiful city of Nuremberg, Germany, together with two other KDE sprints that all happened at the same time! We called it ~The Nuremberg Megasprint~.
SUSE’s cool museum room
There we discussed and hacked on many things, and probably Simon’s series of blogposts cover that better than I could do. However, if I can pick a single thing to highlight from the sprint, it is that I had the chance to meet in person with my Google Summer of Code mentee, Inoki.
KDE Connect itself began as a GSoC project the year 2013, and since then it accumulates the work of 5 different GSoC students, among many other developers, translators, designers… However, this was the first time I met a student I was mentoring in person!
I want to thank KDE for sponsoring the sprint, and every person who has made a donation to KDE for making it possible. Thank you!
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